Exciting news! Now that the Governor has extended our shelter-in-place but eased some restrictions, Maureen will be formally reopening the Acupuncture Program at Serenity Holistic Health on May 1, 2020. Acupuncture is considered “essential” in IL per the Governor, and while we could have been open for acupuncture continuously, we felt it was important to take some time to re-group and develop a plan for keeping everyone healthy and safe going forward. We also felt it was imperative that we do our part to flatten the curve and encourage you to stay home. Moving forward, IL residents are allowed to leave their homes for an acupuncture appointment- this is not in violation of the shelter-in-place order.
While we can’t wait to get back to business as usual, we have greatly adapted the way we will run at this time. We have put into place modifications that will make getting acupuncture treatment very safe. Maureen has been socially isolating and distancing since March 19 and has not experienced, nor been exposed to anyone with, symptoms of COVID-19 (or a + test result). If that changes, she will of course put the program on hold and self-quarantine.
Please review our interim guidelines of operation:
Patients will be scheduled in a way that they don’t overlap/cross paths. There will be no time spent in the Waiting Room.
Come to the glass front door at your EXACT treatment time and Maureen will open door for you.
Maureen will be wearing a N95 mask; (she had some before coronavirus). She will be handwashing frequently & properly and hand sanitizing one more time right before needle insertion and removal. As much as she wishes she could, no hugs or handshakes to maintain social distancing.
All patients must properly mask wear as well (homemade is fine) and have it on already while waiting at the glass door; Maureen can easily work around it during treatment. Your mask must cover your nose and your mouth and fit snugly. We have masks available for purchase if you or a family member need one.
When you arrive at Serenity, Maureen will greet you and ask you to hand wash.
The pre-needle intake will be done 6’ ft away. We will do our talking then and limit verbal exchanges as needles are being placed.
We will not be cupping for the time being. We will reevaluate cupping for 6/1/2020.
We will maintain our high levels of sanitization, wiping surfaces, door knobs, washing all linens on the hot sanitary cycle, etc.
Check-out will use your credit card on file whenever possible while the patient stands in the doorway rather than sitting down at desk. Receipts may be emailed to you if you prefer.
You may not come if you have nasal symptoms, throat symptoms, fever, cough, body aches, chills, loss of smell and taste, gastrointestinal symptoms, or shortness of breath. Please do not come even if you believe these symptoms are related to something other than COVID-19. For the time being, we are not treating allergy symptoms as many of them mimic the coronavirus. You may not come if you live with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. Please bring your own water bottle; we will not be providing water or tea at this time. If you are unsure at all about your symptoms and whether or not you should come for acupuncture, please call us to discuss before arriving for your appointment. We have other ways to help you including curbside pick-up of naturopathic remedies suggested by our ND and owner, Taryn Cass.
This has been such a difficult time for all of us, fraught with worry, fear, anxiety, grief and moments of joy. We are all in need of the unique rebalancing effects of acupuncture. For this to work, it’s extremely important you feel safe and comfortable. Call us with any questions you might have. We look forward to seeing you again soon!