The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® are founded on an ancient Maya technique of ABDOMINAL MASSAGE which are excellent for promoting reproductive and digestive health. We are now offering this massage thanks to our LMT Luz Lozano who has completed the training. This technique is performed externally by gently guiding and supporting organs back into their optimal position, allowing for improved functioning for optimal health and wellness.
Arvigo® Therapy is best known for addressing misalignment or congestion in the reproductive organs of both men and women, as well as many common digestive disorders. The techniques effectively alleviate tissue congestion and organ constriction to improve the vital flows of energy, blood, lymph and nerves in the abdomen. They address and can release emotional and energetic tension from the abdomen. This assists to prevent the progression of chronic disease symptomology while improving the body’s ability to SELF REPAIR AND BALANCE.
The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® support and enhance health and wellness throughout the life cycle for women, men, and children. The following are the most common symptoms and conditions that Arvigo® Therapy may help address:
FOR EVERYONE (infancy to elderly)
● Digestive disorders (Crohn’s, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Gastritis, Constipation, Indigestion, etc.)
● Muscular Tension
● Urinary System (incontinence, frequent urinary infections, etc.)
● Varicose Veins
● Fertility Enhancement
● Post Surgical (scar tissue,
recovery, etc.)
● Menstrual disorders (painful/
irregular periods)
● Pre-conception through postpartum
● Discomforts of pregnancy; labor and birth preparation
● C-section/hysterectomy surgery recovery
● Menopause
● Pelvic organ congestion (endometriosis, cysts, fibroids)
● Polycystic ovarian syndrome
● Chronic bladder/yeast infections
● Pelvic organ prolapse
● Early stages of BPH (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy)
● Prostatitis (mild)
● Impotence, erectile dysfunction
● Comprehensive review of your past and present healthcare needs focusing on reproductive and digestive health
● Upper and lower abdominal massage to help align reproductive and abdominal organs to optimal position, improve circulation to organs, and promote vital flow to support the body’s inherent healing capacity
● Evaluation of pelvic alignment and application of bodywork to improve pelvic alignment when indicated
● Instruction in self-care massage to enhance your professional session.
● Recommendations of complimentary supportive modalities to support your health and wellness that may include*:
o Faja – a traditional lower abdomen support wrap
o Bajos – traditional herbal pelvic steam bath of the Maya
o Castor oil packs
o Nutritional and herbal support
o Lifestyle education
Ready to book your appointment? Please schedule with our therapist Luz Lozano, LMT, CAP, who is one of very few massage therapists that has specialized training in this area. Typically, 2-3 professional sessions (at a minimum) are required to address most conditions. Clients who perform their self-care massage on a routine basis report an improvement in their symptoms.